
Tuesday, February 1, 2011

¡Como se dice "Oyy veey!" en español!

Oyyyy veyyy!

So in my last post I wrote about not worrying about trying to fit in as a Spaniard. Well as soon as I said that, I had such an off Spanish-day. Not bad, just off.

Communication-wise: Rosa asked if I had breakfast already and I said yes thinking I just heard 'breakfast'. When I started eating breakfast, she was really confused, and so was I.

Train-wise: I took a new route, got on the wrong train. It was going in the same direction and I just had to change platforms, but yes- off.

Class-wise: My classroom changed, and I thought I was walking into the right classroom. I knew our Cuentos class only had girls in it and when I peeked in and saw boys I assumed it was the wrong class. I went around looking into other classrooms and texted a friend in the class, who confirmed that I had gone to the correct class originally. Apparently the two Cuentos classes combined for the day, explaining the presence of two or three boys in our class.

Money-wise: I found out the hard way I can't pay with my credit card for a clave (photocopy packet for a class), and had no money on me.

Direction-wise: I couldn't find Reina Sophia for the longest, a very large museum Madrid, and all I had to do was turn my head to look to the left of the street instead of the right. Tonta.

And to top it off...Bathroom-wise!: I walked into the men's dressing room at the Parque de Retiro's recreation center. Quite embarassing.

All in one day! I wouldn't have it any other way though.


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