
Thursday, January 31, 2013

Finding Your Inner Dog

Courtesy of Creative Commons
If you have spent enough time with me, you might remember me ranting about my jealousy towards birds. I mean look at all the places they get to go and all of the things that they get away with! Us mere humans have to follow man-made rules about monuments that birds just don't understand. I am pretty sure birds know it is not appropriate to take a dump on a Lincoln statue, but they are pretending to be oblivious.

As much as I love the idea of adventure and freedom that must come with wings, I am also learning the value in staying, rather than flying away. I found out the other day I didn't get the Fulbright grant I was so hopeful for. That would have carried me away for another year to Argentina. My instinct is to find another place to go visit; in fact, I'm itching for it. But I believe as I am in this transitional stage, I need to stay. Stay, Maggie, stay, as if commanding a dog. Dogs are obedient, loyal animals and those are virtues needed for commitment (discussed in my previous post). I never had a dog growing up; I had a turtle. But perhaps it is time to nurture the dog in me.

Dog Zen Inspiration, Creative Commons
It is not natural for me, so I accept it as a challenge. In the meantime, I find adventures within the old stomping grounds. For example, taking piano classes at an adult school with my awesome friend Aja. For example, taking my other wonderful friend Raha to visit Crystal Cove beach. Or, if I must share my dorkiest of past times, checking out the different libraries in the Orange County area. Any suggestions for local adventure are graciously welcomed!

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