
Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Black and Light

There's one time of day that always seems to come around for some reason or other- dusk. No matter who I am with, I comment on how it is my favorite time of day for two reasons. One: the day's work is done and a night of dancing, reading, or celebrating lies ahead. Two: At this time of day, color doesn't matter. Shapes are black silhouettes; the sky is light, and peace settles on the surroundings as shadows form. The skyline that trees or buildings form is the focus as an aurora of colors lingers from the sun's goodbye. Here are some of my favorite pictures of it:

London, England

Almúñecar, España

Almería, España

1 comment:

  1. Ahhh, you can't write a post like that and not post the pictures! C'mon!


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