
Wednesday, September 7, 2011

A Recount of Escorts around Europe

I have been meaning to put up various posts to my blog, and they are things that I still want to say and remember. I found myself in many situations where nice people gave me private escorts around Spain and Europe. It is just an introduction to how I feel there are so many beautiful people in this world. Every one of these encounters came as a godsend to myself and whoever I was with. Here is a list of most of them:

1. My first escort in a taxi ride was a major rip-off to start off, but it only got better from there.
2. When my parents and I were looking for my friend Laura's house outside of Madrid, two friendly police officers plugged in the address in their GPS and we were escorted to the corner of their apartment complex.
3. The French pick-up truck outside of Toulousse, France after my dad accidentally put in the wrong gas in our rental car. Yikes!
4. A man in a red hotrod car helped my sister, my cousin and I leave Sevilla by, rather than just giving us some makeshift directions, graciously caravanning us to the mouth of the freeway on the way to Portugal. His name was Miguel and he was very attractive too.
5. I had expected to catch a taxi from arrival into almeria, but after talking to a lady from Almería for five hours on the train, she insisted that she gave me a ride and then continued to buy me a coffee just before I entered into a crazy summer.
6. My sister and I were looking for a church in the tourist section of Málaga where we were staying for a week. Well the front-desk help, named Dan, willingly escorted us to his favorite church. We proceeded to join the party after the mass with the community.
7. My great friends Mila and Jaime insisted on picking up my sister and I in Córdoba to get us to Sevilla, and also Mila let us stay with her for the night. A whirlwind of hospitality within 24 hours.
8. Last but not least, I needed to catch a flight back to California at 7am. I needed to leave for the airport at 5 in the morning. The host family, after opening their home to my sister and I for a week, insisted that Pedro, the father, took both my sister and I rather than us catching a taxi or bus.

All I can say, is that there are some beautiful people in this world. I met a few of them in Spain, I am expecting to host some in California, and I am looking forward to meeting more beautiful people from around the world.

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